Portable generators have continually increased in popularity over the past decade or so, but especially in the last few years. These machines are great assets to have on hand when an emergency strikes to keep you from having to go without power. 

The benefits of having a generator are pretty clear but finding the right one can be more tricky. Often it’s an investment, so you don’t want to make the wrong choice. 

Luckily for you, we’ve compiled a list of the top nine questions to ask when looking for a diesel generator for sale to make sure you get your money’s worth! 

1. Is it the Right Size?

When you’re thinking about how to choose a diesel generator, you’ll need to figure out where you want to put it first. 

Generators come in all different shapes and sizes depending not the specific machine you choose. There’s no sense in looking at machines if you don’t know which will fit in your spot and which won’t. Knowing the right size will allow you to narrow down the search field and make the decision much easier. 

Measure all of the dimensions and keep that in mind as you begin your search. 

2. Do I Want a Standby Vs Portable Generator?

Next, you should look into what type of generator you’d like and if standby vs portable generators. Both of these operate in a very similar fashion but with a key difference. 

A standby generator is installed in place and doesn’t ever move. It’s always ready to be used regardless of the situation. A portable generator is often stored in a separate location and brought out when it’s needed. They both offer great power sources but have different maintenance. 

3. How Efficient is the Unit?

New vs used generators isn’t as big of a question as how efficient the unit is. The mechanics of the machine is more important than whether it has been used before to determine if you’ll get your money’s worth. 

You want a generator that will use its fuel as efficiently as possible. Some machines will require you to use way too much fuel without much output of power, this will end up costing you much more in the long run. Checking for efficiency and output capacity is an important step in finding the right generator.  

4. Will it Produce Enough Power?

As you’re checking efficiency, you can also check how much power it will be able to put out while being run. 

It’s helpful to know how much power you’ll need in an emergency situation to run the things that are absolutely necessary. That way you can match that need with machines that will only meet those requirements. This ensures that you aren’t left having to decide what gets power and what doesn’t in an emergency. 

5. What Kind of Fuel is Needed?

One of the biggest deciding factors in how efficient a generator is and how much power it will produce is what type of fuel it uses. 

The types of fuel all have their pros and cons, it’s up to you and your specific situation to decide which is best. But it’s important to look into all options before making your decision. 

It’s also important to keep in mind if you’ll be able to keep that fuel in stock and ready to go in the case of an emergency. Having a generator for emergency preparedness doesn’t do much good if you don’t have the fuel it will need to run as well. 

6. How Loud Will it Be?

No matter which kind of generator you decide to get, it’s going to make some noise. They all do when they’re in use, it’s just a fact of life. 

But some generators have added technology that makes them slightly quieter than others. Depending on where you’re using the machine, you may need to look more closely into the noise levels. 

7. Are There Remote Capabilities?

Depending on where you’re needing to use a generator, it might be a good idea to see if there are any extra management capabilities that would be helpful. Most notably would be a remote operating system. 

If your generator is for a business, it’s likely that you won’t be present at the business when the emergency strikes. Being able to turn on and access your generator from wherever you are is a game-changer for keeping things under control. 

8. What Kind of Maintenance is Required?

Generators are an investment and something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. That means that regular maintenance should be performed to keep it in the best working order possible. 

Every generator has its own unique needs as far as maintenance is concerned, which is why it’s important to understand before committing to a specific machine. Luckily, most don’t require a lot more than regular inspections and occasionally starting it up to make sure it’s running and ready for you when you need it. 

9. Can I Add On to This Unit?

Everyone knows that things don’t stay the same for very long. There are always things adjusting and shifting to meet new needs. This includes power supplies, which can change over time to match your home or business situation.

When searching for a portable generator, it’s smart to look ahead and understand if the same unit could be added to meet a growing need. There are many configurations you can use with generators, so it’s helpful to know what’s available and possible for your machine.

Get in touch with Central States Diesel Generators today.

Call Us! 262-955-7655 | (M) 847-997-8090|ppaden@csdieselgenerators.com 

Finding the Best Diesel Generator for Sale

Everyone has seen how things can change very quickly in our world. You never know what’s coming next and being as prepared as possible is always a good idea. 

Finding the right diesel generator for sale and getting it installed for your home or business will help bring you peace of mind and confidence in your ability to handle anything. You won’t have to try to scramble to figure out a solution if the power goes out. 

If you’re interested in finding a good generator, check out our listings and contact us today for more information! 

Check out our Used Generator inventory