Generator Spec Sheets :

Every producer makes determination and information sheets for their generators. Understanding these details sheets is basic while choosing a generator for your application.There are three obligation cycles the generators are separated into:

  • Standby Generators– Supplies power to a differing electrical load for term of power intrusion.
  • Prime Generators – These generators are utilized as a part of uses that don't approach from an open utility. Prime power generators are separated into the accompanying running circumstances:
  • Inconclusive Running Time – Maximum power (from a variable load generator set) available for a boundless number of hours every year. The accompanying operational rules apply:
    o At the point when unit is worked in availabilities of 250 hours the unit ought to be worked at 70% appraised execution.
    o On the off chance that generator set must be utilized at 100% capacity, it ought not be worked more than 500 hours for every year. The generator ought not be over-burden.
  • Restricted Running Time -Load is available for a set number of hours in non-variable load applications. Generators can work up to 750 hours for each year not as much as prime power rating.
  • Continuous Generators – Generator sets are utilized at 100% power rating for a boundless number of hours every year. They are regularly utilized as a part of mining, farming and military applications. When looking at particular sheets between manufacturer's, it is rapidly evident that every producer varies amongst arranging and substance. Fundamental data is accessible in each occurrence. If wanted data for the generator set isn't in the particular sheet, the producer can be reached. The capacity to comprehend a  producer's particular sheet and knowing the application, supplies the client the information expected to settle on an educated choice.
    This article will investigate the Cummins generator particular sheets.

Cummins Specification Sheets :


We are choosing model DQKC to investigate. The particular sheet is separated into the accompanying four pages:
 Portrayal, Features and Ratings – Provides depiction, highlights and ratings data.

 Details and Options – Supplies generator, engine and alternator determinations. Extra choices are likewise situated on this page.
 Control System Capability – Defines insurance and observing focuses and extra choices.

Each page will be partitioned into gatherings and each gathering independently deciphered. This should supply a firm comprehension of the Cummins generator determinations.

Depiction, Features and Ratings :

This page is utilized as the acquaintance page with the generator set. Isolated into three individual territories:

Description – Series of business generator sets are completely coordinated (finish set contained on a slide). Can be utilized as a part of standby, prime or continuous power applications.

Generator accreditations:
o Affirmed ISO 9001 and produced in offices confirmed ISO 9001 or ISO 9002.
o Model Test Support (PTS). This checks execution trustworthiness of generator set outline.
o CSA affirmed. This is for all low voltage models Cummins makers.
o Financiers Laboratories (UL) ensured. UL has tried these generators for stationary generator gatherings, for appraised activity.
o Universal Building Code – Generators are ensured for seismic application as per worldwide construction laws.
o Highlights – This area diagrams the normal highlights incorporated into all generator set models canvassed in this information sheet. There are no additional charges for highlights recorded beneath:
o Cummins Heavy Duty Engine – All models have QSK60 4 cycle industrial engines that have low emissions and quick reaction times to stack changes.
o Alternator – When buying new, in excess of one alternator (generator end) estimate is accessible. The alternators 2/3 windings create minimal third music current.
o Perpetual Magnet Generator (PMG) – Using a changeless magnet set up improves engine beginning and blame clearing short out ability.

o Control System – Power Command Control (PCC) framework is utilized to control engine and generator capacities. Highlights finish checking capacities.
o Cooling System – Standard fundamental set radiator framework outlined, tried and evaluated at surrounding temperatures.
o NFPA – Accepts 100% load in a solitary advance. This implies the generator does not need to be stacked in slow additions.
o Ratings – Each generator set model number has been produced under a particular application rating. Cummins utilizes Standby, Prime and Continuous ratings.
o The beneath table is made to the Cummins Specification sheet for a more point by point clarification.


 Show DQKC is the generator set chose. This model is appraised for the applications beneath:
 Standby – Generator can supply 2000 kW, 60 Hz power to shifting burden while power is intruded.
 Prime – Generator can supply 1825 kW, 60 Hz power running 8 hours for every day.
 Continuous – Generator can supply 1600 kW, 60 Hz power 24 hours for each day, 7 days seven days.

Determinations and Options

The second page of the information sheet is committed to the accompanying determinations, choices and adornments:
 Generator Set Specifications – Basic generator particulars to include:
 Senator direction class – The representative controls engine speed (ISO8528 Part 1 Class G3) standard.
 Voltage controller – Allows voltage to be consistent (0.5%) from no heap to full load circumstances.
 Irregular voltage varieties – Fluctuations in greatness of supply voltage, (0.5%) typical task.

 Irregular frequency varieties – The measure of frequency change (0.25%) amid ordinary activity.
 Radio frequency emissions – Created amid age on account of electromagnetic properties Conforms to both military and IEC measures.
 Engine Specifications – Manufacturing particulars for the work of the engine to include:
 Bore – The distance across of the barrel (6.25 in).
 Stroke – The separation cylinder goes in chamber (7.48 in).
 Uprooting – The volume of all barrels in the engine (3673 cubic inches).
 Arrangement – Engine square outline. (cast press V16).
 Battery Capacity – The educated amperage with respect to battery (2200 amps @ 0 to 32 degrees F).
 Battery Charging Alternator – Engine alternator charging limit (40 amps).
 Beginning Voltage – Battery voltage required for engine task (24 VDC, negative ground).
 Fuel System – Type of fuel framework. (Coordinate infusion, #2 diesel fuel, with fuel channel and programmed shutoff).
 Fuel Filter – Type of fuel channel, capacity and alternative (Triple component 10 micron, turn on with water separator).
 Air Cleaner – Style of air cleaners utilized on engine (dry replaceable component).
 Oil Filter – Engine oil channel sum and style (4 turn on oil channels, blend of full stream and sidestep).
 Cooling System – Standard cooling framework (can work at encompassing temperatures of 104 degrees F).

Alternator Specifications – Often alluded to as generator end. Assembling determinations for work to include:
Outline – Describes plan of alternator (Brushless, 4-post, spinning field).
Stator – Winding contribute is parameter plan (2/3 pitch suggested for every one of the 4-wire applications).

Rotor – When alternator rotor is joined to an engine, just a single bearing is utilized (single bearing, adaptable plates).
Protection System – Class of protection utilized on windings (class F on High voltage and class H on low voltage). Temperature ratings from 239 to 302 degrees F.
Standard Temperature Rise – IEC tests generator for standard mild ascent (@104 degrees F surrounding temperature, 302 degrees F).
Exciter Type – Type of magnet utilized. Two styles perpetual and electromagnetic (changeless attractive generator).
Stage Rotation – Supplies stage data of generator (A main B driving C in a clockwise turn).
Alternator Cooling – How alternator is cooled amid activity (coordinate drive radiating blower fan).
Symphonious Distortion – Sine wave bending amid direct and non-straight activities (under 5% no heap to full direct load, under 3% for single consonant load).
Phone Influence Factor (TIF) – Measure of impedance of power-line music with phone lines (under 50 for every NEMA rules).
Phone Harmonic Factor (THF) – Harmonic bending caused by generator to simple phone framework. Supplanted by Harmonic bending (under 3).
Accessible Voltages – Generators can be associated in two separate strategies. Line to line associations are between any two conductors. Line to unbiased is between a conductor and impartial.

60 Hz line to unbiased voltages are:

  •  219, 254, 277, 347, 2400, 7200, 7620 or 7970.
  •  60 Hz line to line voltages are:
  •  380, 440, 480, 600, 4160, 12470, 13200 or 13800.

Generator Set Options and Accessories – Available augmentations to standard generator set. Partitioned by the accompanying frameworks:
Engine – Low emissions framework for demonstrate DQKB, NOx for show DQKC, coolant warmers of different voltages for above and beneath 40 degrees F and high limit oil container.
Cooling System – 122 degree encompassing operating temperature framework, warm exchanger and remote radiator.
Control Panel – Anti buildup warmer, paralleling arrangement capacity, remote blame flag bundle and run transfer bundle.
Fumes System – Industrial, private and basic review silencers accessible.

Alternator – Various temperature rise updates, against buildup warmer, temperature sensor overhauls and differential current transformers.
Generator Set – Battery, battery racks, circuit breakers, disengage switch, PCC organize programming, remote annunciator panels, spring isolators and guarantee overhauls.

Control System Capabilities:


The control framework is in charge of controlling all engine and generator capacities. The Power Command Control (PCC 3201) framework has numerous checking and control works as outlined underneath:
The PCC control framework is a coordinated generator set controller that gives administering, voltage direction, and engine assurance. Panel controls are:
 Off/Manual/Auto selector switch – Selects method of activity.
 Manual Run/Stop Switch – Press switch when mode switch is in manual to begin engine.
 Panel Lamp Test Switch – Press change to test panel lights.
 Crisis Stop Switch – Press change to stop engine. The switch must be hauled out after crisis stop is started.
 Exercise Switch – Used to finish pre-modified exercise grouping when mode switch is in Auto.
 Design – Alpha-Numeric show with basic LED demonstrating lights. Different dialect competent.

Control panel highlights engine assurance and checking recorded underneath:
 Overspeed Shutdown – Panel close engine down on the off chance that it surpasses pre- set point of confinement.
 Low Oil Pressure – Low oil weight alert and engine shutdown when oil weight falls beneath set focuses.
 High Coolant Temperature – High coolant temperature alert and engine shutdown when coolant temperature surpasses setpoints.
 Low Coolant Level – Warning when coolant level falls underneath sensor. Conceivable engine shutdown.
 High and Low Battery Voltage – Warning when battery surpasses or falls beneath setpoints.
 Feeble Battery – Warning when battery charge level falls underneath setpoint.
 Dead Battery – Engine shutdown when battery comes up short.
 Neglect to Start – Overcrank shutdown when engine does not begin in a set time.

 Neglect to Crank – Engine shutdown since starter does not pivot engine crankshaft.
 Repetitive Start Disconnect – Activated with an excessive number of begin endeavors.
 Wrenching Lockout – Prevents engine from turning.
 Sensor Failure – Indicate when a sensor has fizzled.

The control panel additionally screens and controls:

 AmpSentry AC Protection – Monitors over present and short circuits. Gives single and three blame control. Over and under voltage and frequency observing and shutdown.
 Alternator Data – Monitors voltage (line to line or line to impartial able). Screens current and frequency on each of the three stages. kW and kVA checking.
 Other Data – Provide generator set model, begin endeavors, begins, running hours, kW hours and blame history.
 Administering – System contains a computerized isochronous senator that component temperature dynamic overseeing and a savvy sit out of gear speed control.
 Voltage Regulation – PWM (advanced) electronic voltage direction with three stage line to unbiased detecting. Single and three stage blame checking and control.
 Control Functions – Fault information lumberjack with blame reproduction with Inpower programming. Time deferred begin and chill off controlled. Configurable information sources and yields with remote crisis stop capacity.

Choices for the control panel empower more noteworthy abilities. These choices include:

 Paralleling choices with stack sharing controls.
 Thermostatically controls for space radiator.
 Key worked mode switch for security.
 Outside parts, for example, ground blame modules and helper transfers for included control.
 Different interface programming, for example, LONWORKS and iWatch
 Extra information and yield modules.
 Remote annunciator for caution checking in area other than generator room.

Continuously counsel the proprietors manual for switch ability and activities. While these sheets contain a considerable amount of helpful material, it is constantly great to reference the maker of your unit, or contact the proficient staff here at Diesel Service and Supply for extra for elucidation on your particular diesel generator.